Painter Tetiana Salamakha

Tetiana Salamakha exhibition project

"Center - Santa Barbara"


   Chanting window is like as a person's outlook. Each of us is a unique person and at the same time we are inextricably linked. We can be together as one gray living block or our worldview can be a window that needs to be constantly wiped to see the light of God.

I'm chanting the window of the living block as a person's outlook, which is a necessity for a person to stand out among all others because each of us is unique and unrepeatable. An image of many-storeyed house emerged as prototype of cloning, uniformity and sorrow from the same building forms. It seems that there are only windows and nothing else!

   But each of us has a hidden secret somewhere at home in a box or some remembrance from early childhood! We did not mention whether the house was good or not (unless someone asks this strange question). This is my point of view about the house - the house is the same everywhere - it is dear and near! The name of exposition emerged from the contrast of expressive art forms - a genuine space of any building in the center of Lviv and outlying area of the city - Santa-Barbara, to emphasize the versatility of the first and straightness of the last. Name of district emerged as echo of the same name of the series "Santa - Barbara", which aired in the 90's in Ukraine, period of country's independence, when finally one could see what was happening outside the Soviet Union.

  While working on the project the image of St. Barbara arose as a result of rethinking the title, which consequently positively affects the thinking of indigenous Lviv residents as they used to their dear city. St. Barbara sounds in Ukrainian, but instead in English sounds the same as “Santa Barbara”! The Saint was placed in the window frame, so that all the saints are modern people in any era! Outside the block of flats cold be not just a person, that person can light and be holy! But you could be that person! That's the whole idea. A couple of words about poetry. Here all the verses are in frames and all are mine. This small addition to the exposition for better acquaintance with the author. Read it in good health.


Venue: Lviv, Ruska St. 10, Women's Christian Mary Association "Mercy"

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Tetiana Salamakha

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