Painter Tetiana Salamakha

Tetiana Salamakha exhibition "Flowers under the snow but not snowdrop"


The concept of the exhibition:

What is the name of a flower that awakes the first? Yes, it is a snowdrop. But I tell you in his exhibition about Azaleas flower in the genus Rhododendron. The flower was brought to Europe from the swampy Japan about 60 years ago. It was cultivated and now it can be seen at almost every public holiday and just on somebody’s birthday. The most important thing for me was that Azaleas blooms the whole winter and cold spring! That is why it is possible to draw it!

  But actually I am a snowdrop! When it is -13C ° when I have not seen the sun for a long time because of the frost and snow and have not felt the warmth ... So, when winter is ruling all around, and in the greenhouse is not only warm but it is also full of flowers and you have a strong feeling of spring in your soul and unintentionally you think “Someone tricked you!” So in such a way I was cheered by Lord this winter, cherishing my desire for beauty and silent joy ...

   From this experience I learned to be a child of God, you just have to smile and be positive in spite of everything. When it is snow outside and frost and cold, and in the greenhouse there are flowers from somewhere, and nobody knows from where a flowering spring appeared - then you involuntarily recall all the Bible stories that my grandmother told me when I was a child!

  Azaleas flowers became for me the prototype of spring in my soul. Spring was coming to me like a snowdrop flower that raises its little head out of the big clump of snow! In this way God raised me for new hope this year.

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Tetiana Salamakha

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